There are many various ways that one can obtain a day-care license in South Africa, and with a license comes benefits to it, in the following context is what you need to know about obtaining a day-care license in South Africa.
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Ways of obtaining a day-care license South Africa
The following are the steps to getting a day-care license:
- Must have a high school Diploma or Higher Education
- Complete Licensing Process
The process varies by state, and it often depends on the number of children planned to be in the individual’s care. Many states require child care providers to pay a fee and attend an orientation session. The providers and any other adults living in the home must also usually submit to fingerprinting and a background check, which includes any child abuse charges.
- Pass a Home Inspection
- Complete First Aid and CPR Training
- Career Advancement
- It may take up to three months for your registration certificate to be issued.
- The process is free
- Forms 16 is available at your nearest department of social development or municipal office.
With having a license for your day-care, you get have the benefits that comes with it. Here are the benefits of having a day-care license:
Benefits of having a day-care license South Africa
- You can get Food Program parcels
- Have access to free state-sponsored training programs in child care.
- Tax Breaks: Home day-cares probably have better tax breaks than any other at home business.
- You can earn more money
Being licensed may also attract more parents to your day-care program since licensing reassures them that their kids will be in good hands.
- You have room to expand
- You’ll provide better care
Not only does licensing ensure that you have up-to-date training on child safety, it can also prevent accidents by making sure your home environment is free of hazards and meets child safety standards.
- You’ll have access to government programs for child care providers
Running an in-home day-care can be an expensive ordeal. Between providing meals, buying toys and replenishing craft supplies, your profits as a day-care owner can dwindle. There are government programs to help you lighten the load and keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket, but you need to be licensed to qualify for them.
Getting your day-care licensed can be a long process but for the long run it has a lot of benefits to it.